Wednesday Training Session

So today we had a new employee at the Arizona Broadway Theatre in the Box Office and it was my job to train her. I have trained new co-workers before but it was in a retail setting which is a little easier than selling tickets. The reason there is more difficulty in selling tickets versus selling clothes is that when using the register at a retailer all you have to do is put in the clothes and then put in the payment.  However, when you are selling tickets the patrons have to pick a day, a seat and whether they want dinner and show or the show only and if you do not have the seat they want on the day they want it then that’s when it gets really complicated because people are very particular when it comes to their musicals.

The program we use is a good one but there are so many screens, buttons and things you have to do before you can even go to the purchase ticket screen. The lady I have been training is a really good worker and is trying her best which is helpful for the trainer and makes my job a lot easier. The eager are always easier to train versus the uninterested. I love how training someone else is also a learning session for you as well. I have learned how much I rely on my fellow box office associates to do their job correctly and learned to use a little more patience when working with new individuals. I already knew that patience was a necessity when it came to training but I forgot how much was required. It also reminded my of my first day here and how terrified I was when I had to answer the phone and this is something that has helped me become better at training others. That feeling of being lost, unable to do things on your own and dealing with customers that expect perfection is overwhelming and being able to remember that feeling helps you sympathize and understand how to help them even more.

Things that I wanted people to say when I was training is things that I will say to those I train. Things like, “It’s Ok”, “You’ll get it”, “Keep trying” are all reassuring phrases that helps you maintain equanimity and makes them feel like you care and they can do better. I am learning to take everyday experiences and turn them into life lessons and this is why I wanted to start a blog. You never think about these instances or try to learn from them until you write them out and make a conscious effort to do so. I have a feeling I am going to learn a lot in the future to come.

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