Sunglasses: Fair Frames or Swanky Specs

So while visiting family in Texas I had a discussion with my younger cousin about purchasing sunglasses since he works at Sunglasses Hut. Obviously, he receives discounts on his purchases so his decision between cheap some of his family with nice sunglasses. Me on the other hand? Cheap, frugal and inexpensive frames is all I buy.  One day we were out shopping and I went to a store and purchased two sunglasses for a whopping $10! One heck of a deal if you ask me.

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This is one of the two pairs I bought for $10. They are really cute and even had a cool design on the side and sits lower than normal legs on frames which adds a unique flare that I really like. So yeah these are cute sunglasses for $5!

Cheap frames are my life and I refuse to spend more than $10 on any single pair of sunglasses. I am very rough on them, hence why I spend so little. They get thrown in my purse, sit on top of my head (and occasionally fall off) and have even been known to hang out on the dashboard in my car (in the extremely hot and ever-penetrating Arizona sun). I guess I just don’t have the patience to open my bottomless pit of a bag to find the case and then put them in. This should take probably no more than two minutes but most of the time transitioning from inside to outside is quick and I’m usually in a hurry. I’m not late or anything that’s just how I function; thanks to four years of college on a huge campus walking from class to class with only 15 minutes to spare forces you to have a quick walking pace. My husband constantly tells me to slow down and that we aren’t running a race.

I do know other people like my sister, mom and husband that have nice frames. My mom and sister have Maui Jim sunglasses and my husband has Spy Optics and they all carry their cases and always put them away once they are done wearing them. I just stare at them in amazement. They are consistent and their ability to take care of those sunglasses never fails.

You want to know what the crazy thing is? The less care I take of my sunglasses the longer they last and better they look. Once I start taking precautions and caring about them is when they break, get scratched or get lost. I don’t even go through that many, I have pairs that have lasted years and the only reason I buy more is because I like different colors and styles. After many years I have learned that the best style for my face is those large bug eye glasses. I have tried a few different styles like aviator or wayfarer and I look so ridiculous! No matter what I do or how they look, I always end up looking like a goob. So needless to say I stick to bigger frames. Big and cheap is my motto for frame shopping.

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So in conclusion my name is Kristina and I LOVE cheap sunglasses and nothing can ever change that! Boo ya!