Working Out for the Weak

Ok so yesterday my husband and I started the Insanity workout by beach body. I know what you’re thinking, “Why would you do that?!” It looks extremely intimidating on the infomercial and why would anyone put themselves through that. Well I really want to get into shape. I am not over weight and (not trying to toot my own horn) have a pretty nice body (no matter how you phrase that it still sounds vein lol). I decided to do this because I can’t afford to go to the gym and I want something that burns calories and allows me to stay in my house because running outside alone is boring. I also love that the DVDs are only 45 minutes. You can get a great workout in your day and it takes less than an hour.

Yesterday we did day 1 out of 60. I’m going to try and update my blog everyday for personal reasons like seeing my own improvement and so I can tell you how well it works or if its worth trying. So if you have seen the commercials then just follow my blog and I’ll keep you updated. I read some reviews about it and there were people who loved it and there were those who hated it. I’m sure a lot of it depends on your attitude and results. Results are not just based on exercise, you have to take your eating habits into account. I have altered my diet as well. I am cutting out sugar, dairy and processed/junk food. I also use the My Fitness Pal app on my iPhone which is amazing! It allows you to keep track of what you eat and your workouts. It even has a scanner so you can just scan the barcode and it automatically adds it. HUGE time saver!

Day One:

Our first workout was insane! Ironic? I think not. It was one of the most intense workouts I’ve done. What really makes it difficult is that it has a lot of cardio and cardio definitely is not my forte. I also can’t do a push up to save my life. I haven’t sweat that much in a while and almost collapsed at the end of the workout. I did enjoy the stretches after the workout because since your muscles are loose and warm it makes the stretch deeper and more relaxing. I am a little sore today but I love being sore because I feel like I actually did something.

Overall I really liked the workout. It was challenging, fun and shook things up. The first DVD was only 40 minutes which was really nice. So day 1 was a success!

Go me!